A Walkthrough of the Side Quests Available in Diablo 4: Call

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This guide provides information on where the Call of the Ancients Side Quest can be picked up, the objectives of the quest, maps, strategies, and tips, as well as, where applicable, information about pre-requisites and follow-up quests

This guide provides information on where the Call of the Ancients Side Quest can be picked up, the objectives of the quest, maps, strategies, and tips, as well as, where applicable, information about pre-requisites and follow-up quests.  The Fractured Peaks zone can be found in Diablo IV.
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You can earn increasing amounts of gold and experience by completing side quests, and there is a chance that you could earn up to +20 renown for the zone as well.  It is in your best interest to accept and complete as many of the available Side Quests in a given zone as you possibly can because some of them offer unique caches of valuable crafting materials or gear rewards.  It is in your best interest to accept and complete as many of the available Side Quests in a given zone as you possibly can.

Please refer to our guide for a comprehensive overview of all of the optional quests that are currently available in Fractured Peaks:

Fractured Peaks-Related Side Quests and Other AdventuresA CALL FROM THE ANCIENTS THE VOICE OF THE ANCIENTS CALLINGQUICK FACTS ABOUT DIABLO 4A Resonance With Past GenerationsIt has been requested that you appear before the mighty chieftain of the Bear Tribe.

This item can be found in Bear Tribe Refuge, Seat of the Heavens, and Kyovashad.  All three of these locations are in Kyovashad.

The journey into the unknown starts at Chieftain Glous.

It is necessary to have a conversation with the NPC in the dungeon immediately following the boss fight in order to finish the quest.

The level 8 minimum is the bare minimum required.

Players who are 15 years of age or older are required to have Hammer of the Champion.  In addition to this, you are required to have previously completed the quests known as Shattered Tribute and Beasts Challenge, both of which were presented to you by the Bear Tribe.

Bringing About: Nothing


The following is a list of the goals and plans that have been developed for Call of the Ancients:


- In Call of the Ancients, there are various objectives to complete

-  You should accept the chieftain's offer to become his champion, and after that, you should travel into the glacier to learn the secrets that the ancestors have kept hidden


When you complete this line, you also complete the Challenge Ally of the Bear Tribe, and the first character in your party that completes it will earn the titles The and Bear on their respective prefix and suffix titles.  Video game walkthrough for those who are interested.  The Gathering of the AncientsAt long last, the Chieftain of the Bear Tribe will speak with you, giving you the chance to discuss important matters with him.  You'll find him in the horn that's off to the left of the path that heads north from the main area of Bear Tribe Refuge.  He expresses his regret for the failures that occurred at Mount Arreat and asks you to accompany him into the glacier so that the Bear Tribe can have a purpose.  He also expresses his regret for the deaths that occurred at Mount Arreat. 1.  Began our investigation of the Hallowed Glacier.  The Hallowed Glacier is a one-of-a-kind side quest dungeon that will become accessible as soon as you finish this step in the process.  It can be found inside the bend of the Bear Tribe Refuge that is on the right.  You must immediately make your way to the entrance and then proceed inside.

Follow behind Chieftain Glous as he makes his way through the glacial tunnels in the second step.  In spite of the fact that the description says explore, you will need to be ready to fight your way through multiple waves of enemies in order to proceed.

Proceed clockwise until you reach the turn to the right.  Keep going straight until you reach the wall, at which point you should make a sharp turn to the left in order to approach Sakoth, which is your next objective.

Putting an end to Sakoth is the third step.  One of the most powerful Khazra, known as Sakoth the Fleshless, does not appear to have any fur or skin on its body.  He is commonly referred to as the Fleshless.  The winner of this fight ought to cruise to an easy victory.  Step 3 requires you to move the Bloodstone so that it is placed on the pedestal that holds the other Bloodstones.  After you have vanquished Sakoth, you will be able to see a Bloodstone lying on the ground behind him.  It is imperative that you pick up this D4 items for sale (see coupons) before you leave the area.

At the appropriate moment, Chieftain Glous will provide a verbal cue to indicate what needs to be done.  It was guarding a stone that was stained with blood, and it was very important.  It's possible that this will be of assistance to us.  If you interact with the Bloodstone, you will be able to acquire it.  You are required to present this at the Bloodstone Pedestal, so head on over there now.

Go back to the intersection, and then keep going in a direction that is more to the northeast.  In order to reach the Pedestal, you will need to first turn to the left and then to the right after entering a room that is relatively compact.  Once you have located the Bloodstone Pedestal, all you have to do to unlock the door leading to the next area is click on the pedestal to place the bloodstone on it and unlock the door.  In the fourth step of the process, you will need the assistance of Chieftain Glous to discover the source of the Ancients Call.  It would appear that the answer can be discovered in a space that is aptly referred to as the Chamber of Misery.  It has been arranged so that the lifeless body of Kravett, a Shaman of the Bear Tribe, is facing the center of the room.

Communicate with Kravett, the Shaman of the Bear Tribe, which is the fifth step in the process.  Talk to Kravett and see where the conversation takes you.  He begins ranting about a warrior who is nearby, saying that you cannot allow him to consume you and that you cannot let him consume you. . .

. . .  and then he begins speaking in a tone that is completely distinct from the one he had been using up until this point.  The sixth step is to vanquish Cyhrach.  The boss, Cyhrach the First Born, Deathless Ancient, is an undead foe that has the appearance of a wraith and is a dangerous opponent.  He uses a great deal of Earth Magic, which both impedes your movement and has a powerful knockback effect.  You will see this power charging up with a yellow bar at the bottom of his bar, and after it has finished charging, it will go down on an aqua bar.

Gold filling. . .

. . . Aqua receding

Cyhrach will cast a powerful area-of-effect knockback spell as soon as the aqua bar is no longer visible.  This spell deals a significant amount of damage if you are in range of it and it knocks you back.  You will also see a brightly colored area of effect on the ground below you just before the major explosion.  This area will have an effect on the ground.  It is a good time to use barriers, if you have any, or to run out of range of your opponent's attack, whichever option is available to you.  The explosion is immediately followed by a knockback that has an even further-reaching scope.

The only complicated part of this fight is a mechanic that involves explosions and knockbacks.  Other than that, it's pretty straightforward.  Keeping an eye on the charge up and charge down bars on Cyhrach's status bar will allow you to monitor this information.  Talk to Kravett, who is well-known throughout the Bear Tribe as the tribe's Shaman.  Speak to Kravett again.  He asserts that he attempted to get assistance from the individuals who had him locked up, but that he was unsuccessful in doing so, whereas you have been successful in doing so.  After a considerable amount of time has passed, during which you may have begun to become concerned that the game has frozen, Chieftain Glous will provide him with an update on the current situation that the Bear Tribe is facing.  Kravett warns Glous to stop living in the past and gives him an order to return to his people with a blessing for them.  Kravett also instructs Glous to go back to his people with the blessing.

The Benefits That Come With Taking Part in the "Call of the Ancients"You will be rewarded with +20 Fractured Peaks Renown, an Elixir Cache, an unusually large amount of gold, and experience that is proportional to your level if you successfully complete Call of the Ancients.  In addition, you will receive an unusually large amount of gold.

When you complete this line, you also complete the Challenge Ally of the Bear Tribe, and the first character in your party that completes it will earn the titles The and Bear on their respective prefix and suffix titles.  

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