Transition Towards. Better Life with Divorce Mediation Attorney Laguna Beach

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Jos Family Law will assist you with a wide range of services to help you through the legal processes like Child Support, Child Custody, Mediation, Alimony, and More.

Are you facing marital troubles that can no longer be resolved? Are you and your spouse or partner considering divorce or separation? 


If so, the best way forward for you both may be mediation. Mediation remains the best way to set aside marital differences and move ahead in life while preserving a healthy and respectful relationship with your ex-spouse. 


Jos Family Law has experienced and able divorce mediation attorneys Laguna Beach who are accomplished in laying complex family law disputes to bed. Our seasoned lawyers can help you with this out-of-court settlement allowing both spouses to reach a common ground. Complex family law issues such as property division, child custody, alimony, and more can be easily resolved with mediation. 


Why Choose Mediation for Your Divorce? 

There are two kinds of divorce - contested and uncontested. A contested divorce is when the spouses disagree on one or more aspects of the divorce. This requires them to go through a complex process before their divorce is finalized. This process includes the following steps:


●    Preparing, filing, and delivering divorce documents

●    Hiring an attorney

●    Complete the discovery process

●    Negotiate with spouse

●    Go to trial if an agreement is not reached.


During the trial, the parties must present evidence and witnesses before the judge makes his final decision. This is time-consuming, costly, complex, and stressful. Moreover, the order may not be beneficial for either party. 


Mediated divorce costs less money spent with things being resolved much faster. It includes less stress and time. A divorce mediation attorney in Laguna Beach can help you with all this and preserve a healthy relationship with your spouse. 


Call (714) 733-7066 to discuss your case. 

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