Market Your Self-Help Book to Target Readers

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It's common to find self-help books covered in the media; nearly all have bright prospects for successful book publicity campaigns. While you can't take coverage for granted, most self-help authors can look forward to being interviewed and quoted in many spots. The goal is always to reach target readers, and when you do, let them know what's unique about your work. Seasoned publicists remind authors that the trick is to convince target readers your book offers more than others. Merely explaining what it's about isn't compelling enough. You must point out why it's the most helpful one available.

Although your book's topic may be media-friendly, doing your best to present yourself as newsworthy always helps. For example, can you talk about issues that are trending currently? How can you give a familiar topic a new spin? Answering questions will help you win interview invitations or be called for comments related to a broader story. You may also write articles on your book's topic for publication on news websites or traditional media. The articles customarily carry a short biography at the end in which you can mention your book. Writing about self-help topics is always well-received.

Media coverage today works hand in hand with your online platform to sell books. Author's websites, blogs, and social media all present significant opportunities. Your website needs to rank in search results, and populating it with keywords and user-friendly content will help. Blogs are helpful because they allow you to post more frequently and on a broader range of topics – your website needs to focus solely on you and your book(s). Social media posts are helpful, and building an extensive following works to every author's advantage. Always post valuable and entertaining content for your target readers.

Book marketing is always most effective when the correct information reaches people who will have an interest in your work. You want to avoid repeating yourself, but you do want to find ways to convey similar information consistently. Reaching target readers with comments that will spark their interest puts you on the road to selling books. There is no exact formula, but pay attention to what works and then do more of it as you go along. Connecting your book to current events or seasons also can help. Sometimes, people may be more interested in your topic; well-timed pitches work better.

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