How to Respond to Allegations Made During a Child Custody Case

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Jos Family Law will assist you with a wide range of services to help you through the legal processes like Child Support, Child Custody, Mediation, Alimony, and More.

Whenever a custody dispute gets to court, there is always the potential that the father would be falsely accused and accused of wrongdoing. Many angry and despondent ladies will seize this occasion to create a lengthy, lethal shadow on the father's reputation. While true abuse does occur, the issue here is that these charges may be made without the woman having to provide proof.

The courts will pelt the father with a ton of rocks if your ex alleges domestic violence or sexual molestation. This is a typical tactic used by cunning ex-spouses to prevent the father from gaining or retaining custody.

If you react aggressively, you will merely muddle the situation, and nothing will be resolved; nevertheless, if you stay too cool, you will seem to be at fault. There may seem to be no response. However, it is preferable to leave this to an experienced child custody attorney who has dealt with similar cases.

Frequently, you simply have your word to show you didn't do anything, and she doesn't need to prove you did. She needs to just put doubt on the court's path to set the ball in motion. A skilled, experienced child custody attorney at your side, however, will make all the difference in the world.

While no one likes the thought of being accused, it occurs all too often. Recognizing that this is a possibility and hiring a top child custody attorney are positive steps in the fight for your integrity and custody of your children.

At Jos Family Law, our family law attorney Santa Ana has worked with families through divorce, child custody battles, and other legal disputes for more than 20years. Expert attorneys, former prosecutors, and other professionals make up our legal team, and they are ready to provide you with proven strategies reliable advice and help you get the outcome you need in court. Jos Family Law offers a free initial consultation, so call us today at 1-714-733-7066.

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