alternative ingredients azodicarbonamide

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Based on the science, FDA is not recommending that consumers make dietary changes due to exposure to the ADA/SEM. FDA considers ADA to be a safe food additive when used for the purposes and levels specified in FDA regulations.

Is the FDA advising consumers to change their eating habits?

Based on the science, FDA is not recommending that consumers make dietary changes due to exposure to the ADA/SEM. FDA considers ADA to be a safe food additive when used for the purposes and levels specified in azodicarbonamide regulations.

How do I know if a bread product contains the ADA?

Like all ingredients intentionally added to food, the ADA must be listed on the ingredient label. Consumers can tell if ADA is added by looking for "azodicarbonamide" on the label.

Is the ADA required to make bread?

unnecessary. The ADA is not required to be used as a whitener and dough improver when making bread, and there are alternative ingredients that are approved for use.

Are there other uses for ADA?

Yes, the ADA is also authorized for use as a foaming agent in the closure closures of food containers such as ketchup bottles. In 2005, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) assessed the risks of using ADA as a blowing agent and concluded that, given the ADA content in food packaged in glass jars and bottles, the substance does not pose a risk to human health. However, EFSA also states that exposure to SEM should be limited as much as possible and ADA is banned in the EU.
FDA continues to evaluate the safe use of ADA in food. In 2016, the agency conducted a comprehensive exposure assessment of semicarbazide (SEM), a breakdown chemical formed from ADA during breadmaking. This assessment is based on (1) the amount of SEM generated using ADA in an analysis of more than 250 representative breads and bakery products, and (2) data from two different sets of food consumption data: a) combined 2009-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2-day Dietary Intake Survey; b) 2007-2010 NPD Group, Inc. National Dietary Trends-Nutrient Intake Database (NPD NET-NID) 10-14 days of data, using proprietary food Analysis and Residue Evaluation - Dietary Trends Nationally (FARE-NET) Program.

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