How to Fix Intuit QuickBooks Error31:SE_ERR_NOASSOC?

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QuickBooks Error Code 31 mostly appears while opening payroll reports in Excel. Here are the steps you can follow in the given order to resolve this issue.

QuickBooks is helpful software used by many small and mid-sized businesses worldwide. It helps with tasks like managing finances, paying employees, and handling taxes. Sometimes, it can run into problems, like QuickBooks Error code 31. This error can pop up when you're using QuickBooks, especially when working with payroll reports in Excel. It might slow you down, but the good news is that you can fix QuickBooks Error 31. In this blog, we will be discussing the troubleshooting methods to resolve this error. Continue reading or contact our technical team at +1-800-910-3136 for support. This error occurs when a user tries installing, updating, using or even deleting files in QuickBooks on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10. The cause of this error can be can range from malware to problems with your software or hardware. Sometimes this can also happen if QuickBooks and Excel are not working properly together. Corrupt Microsoft Office installation can be another culprit for Intuit QuickBooks error code 31.

See Also:  quickbooks runtime error QBW32.ex

Steps to fix Intuit QuickBooks error code 31.

  • Let's first see why this error occurs. This can be due to the computer device, Windows, internet connection, security software or other third-party software.
  • First of all, check if your Windows operating system is up to date. If it's not, it can trigger error 31.
  • If you've recently installed any security software, try removing it.
  • Turn off your Firewall
  • Make sure you haven't opened any other applications while trying to fix QuickBooks Error 31.
  • If your application was working fine with your security software before, check if the security software is updated.
  • Remove any recently installed applications or software.
  • Use Windows Explorer to locate the file where you found the error message.
  • Double-click the file with the error message, and you'll be prompted to choose a program to open the file.
  • Select Excel and click OK to open the file with Excel. This should allow you to successfully open the payroll report.


QuickBooks error code 31 needs to be resolved immediately because it can disrupt your work and also cause data loss. This is a common error that QuickBooks users often encounter. However, solving this error does not require any complicated science and very few correct methods can solve this problem. So just follow the steps mentioned above and apply them carefully. These steps will definitely help you solve this problem. If you are still having difficulty, you can contact our technical support team for assistance. Our experts will help you get rid of this problem forever and make sure that you never have this problem again. You can contact our experts at our QuickBooks Technical Support i.e. +1-800-910-3136.

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