What is a Senior Network Engineer

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If you’re looking for a Senior Network Engineer job description then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place.

When it comes to advancing your career to Senior Network Engineer, you need to know exactly what the role is going to entail as well as the benefits it can bring you. From the skills you need to get started to the salary you can earn in the role, we’re here to tell you everything you need to know. 

Senior Network Engineers design and create computer networks within an organization in order to ensure their IT systems are working both safely and correctly. Depending on the nature of the business, they may also be required to do the same for third-party clients. If it stops working, the Senior Networking Engineer is there to make diagnose and solve the issue so that they can easily be restored. 

In some cases, Senior Network Engineers are also responsible for implementing security systems that ensure data is not compromised in any way. This is usually done in-house, but it can also require some travel if the business has more than one location. 

More info: what is a senior

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