adapt to the evolving marketplace

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Successful businesses grow and shift in similar directions to adapt to the evolving marketplace.

There are many other businesses, such as Blockbuster and MySpace, that were not as successful in adapting. These businesses failed because they did not change with the times and eventually went out of business.


One example of a company that failed to adapt is Blockbuster. Blockbuster was once a dominant force in the video rental industry, but when Netflix came along and offered a streaming service, Blockbuster was unable to keep up. Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy in 2010.


Another example is MySpace. MySpace was once the most popular social media platform, but it was eventually overtaken by Facebook. MySpace never updated its site to keep up with the times, and as a result, it lost its market share.


However, there are also businesses that have successfully adapted to the times. Amazon is a prime example of this. Amazon started out as an online bookstore, but it has since expanded into many other areas, such as cloud computing and streaming video. Amazon has been able to adapt and evolve with the times, and as a result, it has become one of the largest corporations in the world.

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