Timely Adjust The Degree Of Your Glasses To Avoid Deepen Myopia

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Can axial protrusions caused by myopia be alleviated? Once the eye protrudes, it is difficult to retract back to its original state, and there is generally no way to correct the already-caused exophthalmos. The most effective remedial measure is to avoid the further deepening of myopia.

Can axial protrusions caused by myopia be alleviated? Once the eye protrudes, it is difficult to retract back to its original state, and there is generally no way to correct the already-caused exophthalmos. The most effective remedial measure is to avoid the further deepening of myopia.


For example, in daily life, it is necessary to correct bad eye habits, let the eyes rest more, not stare at the computer or phone for a long time, and pay attention to occasionally looking into the distance to relax the eyes and combine work and rest. Don't be afraid of protruding your eyes and not wearing prescription glasses, as this can only worsen the situation. Choose a pair of prescription glasses that are suitable for you, conduct regular optical examinations, and adjust the degree of your prescription glasses in a timely manner.


Children who wear appropriate glasses can see clearly and no longer squint, but their power increases much slower than those who do not wear glasses. Therefore, glasses should still be worn when it comes to wearing glasses. In addition, if myopia is not properly controlled, it can develop into high myopia, causing a series of complications of high myopia.


Due to abnormal eye structure and nutritional metabolism in individuals with high and ultra-high myopia, it is more likely to gradually cause lens opacity, leading to cataracts. In clinical practice, middle-aged and elderly people with high myopia are likely to develop cataracts earlier than the general population.

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