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Agile Automation: Transformative CI/CD Strategies for Microservices Development | #ci/CD # Continuous Integration # Continuous Delivery # DevOps # Microservices # Software Development # Automation # Code Deployment # Production Ready Code # DevSecOps # Best Practices # A/B Testing # GitOps # Daily Commits # Release Management # Security in CI/CD # DevOps Tools # Software Delivery Lifecycle # Access Control # Two-Factor Authentication # Deployment Automation # Software Release

Agile Automation: Transformative CI/CD Strategies for Microservices Development

Agile Automation: Transformative CI/CD Strategies for Microservices Development

CI/CD, or Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery, streamlines code integration and deployment. Automate tests, prioritize frequent releases, minimize branching, and embrace microservices for an agile, secure, and efficient software development lifecycle.