Blue light glasses really make a difference

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The answer is not as simple as yes or no.
All the visible light we humans see contains the entire spectrum of the rainbow, from red to violet. In that spectrum are blue light waves, which are said to help us stay alert and optimistic.

The average remote worker spends 13 hours per day in front of a computer screen. Considering we sleep 8 hours, that leaves us awake for 16 hours a day, which means we spend 81% of our waking hours staring at screens.

All this screen time seems to be causing all sorts of ill effects on our minds and bodies, such as eye strain, headaches, and insomnia. To combat these problems, you can wear a pair of computer glasses -- also known as blue light glasses -- which can eliminate eye strain and help you sleep better.

Once hard to find, the company now has plenty of stylish options. You can also purchase blue light lenses for your prescription glasses.

So, do blue light glasses really make a difference for someone who spends 8+ hours a day staring at a screen? The answer is not as simple as yes or no.
All the visible light we humans see contains the entire spectrum of the rainbow, from red to violet. In that spectrum are blue light waves, which are said to help us stay alert and optimistic.
Blue light waves are emitted by any visible source, whether it's the sun, a touchscreen, or a light bulb.

We get a lot of blue light waves from the sun every day, but we're still exposed to many artificial light sources after dark.
How does blue light affect sleep?
When the sun goes down, the lack of light signals our bodies to start producing melatonin, the hormone that puts us to sleep.

Before artificial light, the sun regulated our sleep schedule. But today, we are exposed to light day and night. While exposure to any light waves after dark can delay our body's production of melatonin, blue light waves are especially problematic because they keep us alert.

Blue light glasses, on the other hand, can help us overcome sleep problems by disrupting our usual circadian rhythms.
Is blue light glasses harmful?
Blue light glasses has been linked to a variety of problems, from causing digital eye strain to blinding us. However, there's a lot of conflicting evidence about how harmful (or not) it really is.

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