comfee air fryer toaster oven sweet potato fries

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Do you also have such doubts, why is it the same comfee air fryer toaster oven, the fries made by others, crispy, sweet, KFC of the same style, but you made it like this?


Do you also have such doubts, why is it the same comfee air fryer toaster oven, the fries made by others, crispy, sweet, KFC of the same style, but you made it like this?

In fact, it's not that you have a broken hand, it's a mistake in the method! Next, let my kitchen genius show his skills, teach two ways to make comfee air fryer toaster oven sweet potato fries

, and make you cry other people's children! Lazy cancer patients can take a look at this simple version, first you need to prepare a pack of quick-frozen fries, which are generally available in supermarkets. Quick-frozen fries don't need to be specially thawed, they are directly put into the air fryer (and no need to pad tin foil!). Set the time and temperature, 200 degrees for 15 minutes, you can open it halfway through or when it comes out of the pan, sprinkle with salt and turn it again. The quick fries are complete! If you feel that quick-frozen fries can't show off your superb knife skills, then I also have an advanced version recommendation. First of all, you need to prepare potatoes, the amount depends on the number of people. Peel and cut the potatoes into strips and wash them, it is recommended to wash them about three times until the starch on the surface of the potatoes is washed. Then prepare a basin of water, add a spoonful of salt and soak the potato strips in the water for 15 minutes. Remove the potato strips, put them in boiling water and cook for three minutes, drain and refrigerate for three hours. Brush a layer of cooking oil at the bottom of the air fryer, spread the potato strips evenly in the pan, fry at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, pay attention to observe when baking, and you can open the pot and turn it over in about ten minutes. Finally, put the K*C sweet and sour sauce recipe I learned from netizens: two spoonfuls of tomato sauce + a spoonful of honey + half a spoonful of oyster sauce + an appropriate amount of white sugar, with fries!

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