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These individuals are dangerous to every workplace as their attitude affects the team’s ability to function as a unit.

Dealing with toxic employees can be a manager's most challenging obstacle. Toxic employees often exhibit characteristics such as rudeness, passivity-aggressiveness, and a lack of cooperation. These behaviors have severe implications on team productivity and morale, which is why managers need to take the necessary steps to address them as soon as possible.

Effective management of toxic employees requires insight into the root cause of their behavior. This could be anything from feeling overwhelmed or undervalued in their role to feeling personally attacked by team members. It is important to identify this cause before jumping straight into disciplinary action.

If you can determine what is causing this behavior, then you can diffuse the situation without escalating it further. Once the underlying issue has been identified, managers can implement strategies that work best for both themselves and their teams – such as providing additional training and support where needed, setting clearer boundaries or expectations for performance, or simply having more frequent conversations with those individuals displaying negative behaviors.

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