You Should Confirm The Remote Device Problem If The Router Is Configured Correctly

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If the computer is added to the IP control list that prohibits outbound access, it will not be able to access the Internet, and naturally will not be able to "ping" the remote host.

If the computer is added to the IP control list that prohibits outbound access, it will not be able to access the Internet, and naturally will not be able to "ping" the remote host.


If the best gaming router is configured correctly and the machine has access rights, you should confirm whether the remote device and line are normal. If the connection to any remote host from another computer 'Ping' is timed out, the jitter ping test or the packet loss rate is very high, then the WAN or Internet connection, including line, modem local, and remote router settings, should be checked together with the telecommunications service provider or ISP.


Ping the domain name of the remote host. If the ping IP address responds normally but the ping domain name is not successful, it should be confirmed


Check if the DNS server settings are correct.


Check if the Domain Name Server (DNS) settings are correct in the "Local Connection" attribute of "Network and Dial-up Connections" in the local control panel. For example, whether the IP address setting of the preferred or standby DNS server is normal. If the setting is incorrect, reset and try again: If the setting is correct or the retry is still unsuccessful, there are two situations to handle:


If the intranet has its own DNS server, check the configuration of the DNS server to confirm if the intranet's DNS server configuration is correct.


If using an ISP's DNS server, you can "Ping" its IP address to see if it can be "Ping" connected; Contact the ISP to confirm whether the DNS server of the ISP works normally.

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