North gun king Zhang Xiu

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Huan steep king has also sent in troops, United with Yan rou for Liu Yu revenge army and Lombardi van

When Zhong Yao heard this, he nodded and said, "It should be all right.". But to do so, Changan city may not be built in a short time. Zhang Xiu smiled and said, "Now that there is no war, the soldiers can also participate in the construction of the city.". Mining rocks from the Qinling Mountains in the south, the road is rolling wood, and the rocks are pulled along the road paved by rolling wood to Chang'an City. Here are mainly soldiers and Qingzhuang, while the rest of the people are responsible for building cities and digging rivers. The southern wall was built first, and the Wei River was introduced into the river course in winter, so that the river course could be frozen, and the rocks could be transported to the other three sides along the ice channel. Add Huang Guan and Luoyang, next year conquering Korea hence and Qiang people when there is a fall. And then find these fall to build the city, so calculate. In about two to three years, the expansion of Chang'an will be completed. When Zhong La heard this, he said with a smile, "Master Cheng is quite considerate of the people. They basically do some simple things. The heavy work is done by soldiers and soldiers." Zhang Xiu smiled and said, "Let the soldiers come to practice their physical strength. Huangguan and Luoyang will be finished. As soon as the soldiers arrive, our soldiers will go back to practice.". And Meng Qi is now conquering the Di and Rong clans in Longxi. Ben will let him take down these barbarians as much as possible. When they heard this, they said in unison, "My Lord is wise." Zhang Xiu said with a smile, "Well, Zixiu Yan Tuanzi, you used to be responsible for the expansion of Nanzheng City. yuan Chang had a lot of affairs,disc air diffuser, so you were directly responsible for the expansion of Chang'an City." When Yan Pu heard this, he thought he had misheard. Chang'an city's expansion of the stomach is very important, Zhang embroidery unexpectedly this heavy trust to him such a demotion, really let YanPu feel surprised. After being stupefied for a while, Yan Pu reacted under the reminder of Zhong Yao. With a salute, he said, "The garden will live up to the master's trust." Zhang Xiu nodded and said, "Yes.". After the completion of the expansion of Chang'an, the inner city will become the location of the government offices,MBR reactor, and people will no longer be allowed to live in it. Originally, the people living in the inner city had to move to the outer city of Chang'an, which was arranged by yuan Chang to explain to the people in the inner city. Try to place these people in a better location. Zhong La memorized them one by one after listening. After a pause, Zhang Xiu went on to say, "How can the expansion of Chang'an be just a matter of paying money and grain to continue the service?". Inform the big businessmen and families who are doing business in Chang'an now, they should know how to do it. Learn from Bo Hou to rebuild the city of Luoyang, the merchants or families who donated more will be in the future of Chang'an City, and those who contributed the most will scrape a place in the expanded city of Chang'an to build their mansions. As for how to measure it, yuan Chang will be responsible for it. Turning his eyes to the giffin, Zhang Xiu said, "If those merchants and aristocratic families who have not contributed, they will be severely suppressed. They will not contribute to the expansion of Chang'an. They still want to do business in Chang'an.". Hum, Wen He is responsible for this matter. When Zhong La and the giffin heard this, they answered at the same time, "No!" Finally, Zhang Xiu patted his head and said, "Yes, Wall Penstocks ,Dissolved Gas Flotation, don't leak out the matter of breaking the boundary between the square and the city for the time being. It's of great importance.". The news will be announced after the expansion of Changan. In addition, the new Chang'an Academy can also be built at the same time, and yuan Chang is responsible for the construction of the city. See Zhong Yao more and more black face, Zhang embroidered know that he is too few civil servants, military officer is good, now the lieutenant also began to increase. But the civil service has always been the weakness of Zhang Xiu, although just more Zhuge Jin, Yang Fu these people. But with the expansion of the territory, it began to be insufficient. And Changan to expand, many places have to employ people, Zhang embroidery and lament no one available. The 371st chapter five road governors for yuan (I) Yue, embroidery vigorously develop Changan, Luoyang and Nanyang city two places, the text to increase the tax Maoluo curse old people to their nearest one of the big city trading, making the three cities for a while to restore the prosperity of the center of the world again, whether in Hebei Lombardi, Cao Cao of central plains, or Liu table of Jingzhou even with Zhang embroidery enemy of the profit Milan enjoy a lot of benefits. Embroidered territory bordering on Zhang, and no conflict with the fierce conflict between the governors all enjoy the benefits, but the more remote Xuzhou lyu3 bu4 and small PeiLiu Bei, Huainan yuan, Jiangdong sun chien and deep and remote state sun hae-chan connected outside the trade route was sealed, and Xuzhou, deep and remote state and war again and again, even within the business can not be done, Make these governors in addition to the field tax almost no income, which only Jiangdong sun chien slightly better. Deep and remote state is bitter cold, deep and remote state merchants are sold to the central plains by the horses of deep and remote state, now the trade route is sealed, deep and remote States sun hae-chan and can't win Lombardi, is miserable. And Xuzhou, the original rich state, after several wars, especially after Cao Cao's massacre, the whole Xuzhou is no longer rich. And after lyu3 bu4 in Xuzhou, it is not good at governance, not as much as when Liu Bei in Xuzhou. While Zhang Xiu was in full swing to expand the city of Chang'an on a large scale, secretly building organs and equipment, and developing Guanzhong, the war in Kanto began. Xuchang, Sikong House. Cao Cao and his advisers and generals were among them. There were two pieces of cloth and silks on Cao Cao's table. Cao Cao looked at one of the pieces of cloth and silks and said, "The battle in Hebei has already gained the upper hand. The Han Hu cavalry led by Yan Rou, Xian Yufu, Qi Zhou and others have captured Zhayang County. Gao Dan, the prefect of Zhayang, has been killed.". Buckle now Wu Huan steep king has also sent in troops, United with Yan rou for Liu Yu revenge army and Lombardi vanguard Ju Yi army, and sun hae-chan war in baoqiu. Plus Lombardi ZhongJun will arrive at any time, sun hae-chan has been completely at a disadvantage. Then he sighed a long sigh. Lombardi and Cao Cao is now nominally allies, but the distance between the two sides has been getting farther and farther, especially after Cao Cao to meet the son of heaven, the alliance between the two sides is in name only. If Lombardi defeat sun hae-chan, then deep and remote States and Qingzhou belong to its all, with the four States of Lombardi forces will be more than Zhang embroidery leap into the crown of the governors. When Lombardi can attack the target of the biggest enemy is himself and Zhang embroidery,rapid sand filters, Zhang embroidery army keep dangerous pass. Lombardi weigh under nature will first ping himself, and now Cao Cao himself only have Chongzhou and part of the state, simply unable to contend with Lombardi.

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