Where to buy medicine in Hong Kong

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Walk down the street in Hong Kong and it won’t be long before you pass either a chain pharmacy or a mom-and-pop shop. Go in one, and you will quickly find that they are all well stocked with common over-the-counter drugs and a solid selection of traditional Chinese medicine.

Where to buy medicine in Hong Kong
Walk down the street in Hong Kong and it won’t be long before you pass either a chain pharmacy or a mom-and-pop shop. Go in one, and you will quickly find that they are all well stocked with common over-the-counter drugs and a solid selection of traditional Chinese medicine. While the sheer number of stores is convenient when you need over-the-counter medicine, many expats (especially those new to Hong Kong) struggle to find where to buy drugs in Hong Kong – the legal kind, of course.
To help, here is a brief guide on where to buy medicine in HK and how your insurance will cover them.

Where do I purchase over-the-counter medicine?
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as paracetamol, cough syrup, antacids, and other drugs that can be sold without a prescription can be found in all of the chain drug stores, including Mannings, Watsons and their chinese medicine online store. You may need to visit one or two as stock will generally vary depending on the location and current demand.
Another location popular with many locals is the mom-and-pop pharmacies, which are individually owned operations stocking a wide selection of medication similar to what you will find at the chains. These stores may not be 100% obvious when you first walk by them, as they also tend to carry non-medical goods such as toothpaste, lotion, toilet paper, and tissues. Just look for the red and white Rx sign above the entrance.

Where do I purchase Chinese medicine in Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is home to thousands of licensed Chinese medicine retail shops. Much like the East-meets-West city-state, you can find a mix of Chinese and Western medicines at some retail stores, if they are part of a pharmacy. You can also find some Chinese medicine at the aforementioned convenience stores and supermarkets, though you will still need a prescription for certain medicines. Simply obtain one from your Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner. They will usually fill it for you at their clinics. There is a licensing and regulation system separate from Western drugs for Chinese medicines. It ensures that they are qualified and safe to administer/ingest. Please check out the Chinese Medicine Council’s website for a full list of medicines classified under this system.

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