Hoisting of the North Korean National Flag is Prohibited

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As North Korea participates in the Hangzhou Asian Games, an international competition for the first time in five years, there are signs that the hoisting of North Korea's national flag, the North Korean flag, will be controversial.

[Asian Games] Hoisting of the North Korean National Flag is Prohibited... Floating Proudly Everywhere




Sanctions banning the display of the national flag due to doping issues...


World Anti-Doping Organization hoisting the national flag at the athletes' village and stadium "Efforts to correct... Group action that does not implement results" 바카라사이트


As North Korea participates in the Hangzhou Asian Games, an international competition for the first time in five years, there are signs that the hoisting of North Korea's national flag, the North Korean flag, will be controversial.


It is natural to display a national flag symbolizing one's country at international competitions, but North Korea is prohibited from displaying its flag at competitions except the Olympics due to doping issues.


Nevertheless, at the official entry ceremony held at the Hangzhou Athletes' Village on the 22nd, North Korea's national flag was hoisted along with the flags of other countries such as Brunei and Cambodia.


On this day, the national flag was flown throughout the competition, including at the table tennis men's team stadium where North Korea faced Japan.


In October 2021, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned the display of the North Korean flag at international competitions except the Olympic and Paralympic Games, saying that North Korea's anti-doping agency does not meet international standards.


Lifting WADA's sanctions requires corrective action, such as an external inspection of North Korea's anti-doping agency, but such measures could not be taken as North Korea closed its borders due to COVID-19.


For this reason, some media reported that at the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) World Championships held in Kazakhstan last August, hoisting of North Korea's national flag was banned and the organizers did not hoist the flags of all participating countries.


As the national flag is being hoisted one after another at the Asian Games, there is speculation that WADA may hold the organizers, including the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), accountable in some way.


In response to a related inquiry, WADA said, "If we learn that our measures are not being respected, we will contact the relevant organizations and work to make corrections.


If necessary, we will take action against organizations that do not implement the consequences."


The U.S. Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on the 23rd.


WADA explained, “North Korea continues to fail to comply with the World Anti-Doping Code,” adding, “All international federations and major event organizations, such as the OCA, have been informed of the consequences of North Korea’s non-compliance with the Code.”


Although the background behind the hoisting of the national flag has not been confirmed, some speculate that the relationship between North Korea and China, which are 'blood allies', and the situation in which North Korea returned to a comprehensive international competition after five years were taken into consideration.


In the current atmosphere, it appears that the national flag will be flown at the medal ceremony in direct violation of WADA sanctions.


North Korea is evaluated as being in the medal range in several sports, including weightlifting, wrestling, shooting, and boxing.

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