Glasses Online How To Stuitable For You

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Generally, the following steps will not be wrong. Offline optometry and get the optometry report, select lenses, select frames, and process glasses. It is a combination of glasses online and offline. See which is suitable for you.

How to buy glasses online?

Generally, the following steps will not be wrong. Offline optometry and get the optometry report, select lenses, select frames, and process glasses. It is a combination of glasses online and offline. See which is suitable for you.

Method 1: offline optometry, glasses online purchase, processing, and receipt of finished products

There is a prerequisite for buying glasses online. First, offline optometry, accurately know your degree, and then get professional data on ophthalmology, and then go online to buy lenses, frames, and processes.

Method 2: buy lens frames online, optometry offline, buy lenses offline, and process offline to obtain finished products

Generally speaking, the most profitable piece of glasses is the lens frame, because the difference between brands of glasses is not large, and a common titanium lens frame may be hundreds or thousands in the glasses store. If we are not sure about online lens matching, we can buy the frame online first, and save the big end, and we can also get no small discount. Lenses and frames can also be bought together, but most offline stores are unwilling to accept such orders.

Method 3: send the old glasses online for optometry, purchase, process, and receive the finished products online

Online optometry, on the premise that there is no discomfort when wearing glasses, sends the glasses you are wearing to the glasses factory, and they will test the correct optometry data for you according to the parameters of the glasses you send. This method is not so rigorous and will make mistakes. Use it carefully.

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